10 Examples of SMART Goal Setting to Improve Your Life

Setting goals is an important part of life. Whether you want to start or grow a business, improve your personal life, or achieve success in your career, setting SMART goals can help you get there. SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound. This acronym helps you create goals that are clear and achievable.

Here are 10 examples of SMART goal setting to help you improve your life. Business Goals: If you want to start or grow a business, here are some examples of SMART business goals to help inspire your goal-setting process. I will devote 1 hour to this business each day and work to get my first sale in two weeks. I'll start a Facebook Ads course tomorrow and start investing 30% of my company's profits in paid campaigns in 1 week. I will continue to learn and invest in Facebook Ads to double my sales in 3 months.

I'll get my dream job working for a SaaS company like Shopify or Oberlo and travel long term as a digital nomad. To achieve this, I will apply for 1 job per week for 2 months by submitting a total of 8 job applications. Personal Goals: Here are 20 examples of personal SMART goals you can set to improve your life. They cover different areas of life, but generally fall into the category of personal goals. Focus more on accomplishing daily tasks. Minimize distractions and increase productivity by say 40% over the next 3 months.

Try creating to-do lists or using scheduling apps on your phone to keep up to date. Slow write speed slows productivity. It is said that you can save 21 days a year if you write fast. You can set a goal to increase your writing speed and accuracy in a matter of three months. Ethical Goals: The word “ethics” is vague and can mean many things.

Different companies have different ethical standards that they can and are willing to implement. For example, it can insist that foreign workers who manufacture their product be paid 25 per cent more than the average salary of that industry, or that its production lines provide high-paying jobs and valuable job training to women escaping domestic violence. You can also make your manufacturing carbon neutral by planting trees to offset the carbon emissions that occur in creating your products. SMART Objectives: SMART is an acronym for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-Bound, which sets the criteria for setting goals and objectives. SMART objectives are used in strategic planning to develop concrete, execution-oriented business objectives over a defined period, often during quarterly planning or annual planning meetings. With OKRs, a collaborative goal-setting protocol for companies, teams and individuals, goals are what needs to be achieved.

They must be meaningful, concrete and action-oriented. Key results compare and monitor how we got to the target. They must be succinct, specific and measurable. Using a strategic planning tool such as Workfront Goals can ensure that your OKRs are SMART, effectively tracked, and aligned with your organization's strategic objectives. Setting SMART goals is an effective process for setting and achieving your business objectives. Below are several examples of general objectives that are reformulated as specific SMART objectives.

As you review the sample SMART objectives, note how each example describes several sub-objectives, or specific actions, that must be taken to achieve the overall goal. The SMART criteria can also be applied to each of those smaller objectives in the same way as shown here. For example: To establish myself as an expert, I will write a 150-page book on social media writing one chapter per month (or three to five pages a week). The book will be finished in 10 months, and then I will look for a publisher or explore self-publishing. Team Goals: According to Center for Management & Organization Effectiveness, studies show teams that set goals enjoy 20% to 25% better performance. In addition, employees with goals are happier at work, are less stressed and are more productive. While you may need to keep some objectives more open, you should avoid vagueness that could confuse your team later on. The answers will help to refine your strategy, ensuring that the objectives are something that can actually be achieved. When you think about what you want to achieve in life and set goals to achieve them, you will motivate yourself more and feel more positive.

If your goals are abstract, if you don't know what it takes to achieve success, or if there is no deadline for completing the steps, you may lose focus and fail to achieve what you want to achieve. In addition, your SMART goals can only succeed when the employees working to achieve them have the means to achieve them. Every year, I set SMART goals for myself in the off-season, and since I had a clear plan and direction, I always achieved them.


These 10 examples of SMART goal setting show how you can create powerful personal, business, work and leadership goals. When you use the SMART criteria when setting goals it helps ensure that they are clear and achievable. Take some time today to think about what you want out of life and set some SMART goals for yourself!.

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