7 Steps to Set a Smart Goal

Goal setting is an essential part of life. We all need goals to help illuminate the path to our hopes and dreams. They help to invoke a more visceral, tangible and viable path to what we want in life. When we write goals, they become more real.

They help us visually adopt what we want from life, allowing us to provide some measurable metrics of the progress we make along the way. A lot of people lose their lives, like a homeless puppy. They go from day to day, week to week, month to month and even year to year with no concrete direction for their lives. If you are tired of not setting goals the right way or only setting them once a year, then something is missing from the recipe. If there are not all the ingredients and the right measures are not taken, how can we say that we really want something, but that we continually don't do what it takes to achieve it? This is a mnemonic acronym that can be applied to objectives in a way that is easier to address them.

This originally dates back to a November 1981 publication in an issue of Management Review, written by George T. Setting goals when referring to management objectives. Objectives are objectives that are specific, meaningful, achievable, relevant and time-bound. As you can see, the acronym, S. M.

A. R. T., contains five letters which represent these five elements. When looking at the acronym S.

T., it is clear that there are seven steps since there are 7 letters in the word. The first step to configure S. T objectives must be specific, very specific. The more specific you are about your goals, the better and more able you will be to achieve them no matter what method you use. This means that not only do you say that you want to make more money or lose more weight, but you have to say exactly how much money you want to gain or how much weight you want to lose. You have to give it a real and exact figure.

Why is it so important? Well, in goal setting, to make it visceral to the mind and clearer, you have to be able to quantify that goal. No specific details, there is no real goal, just a dark direction. When the goal is dark, allow the psychology of your mind to override your goals. You succumb to things like activities that numb emotions, to easily avoid doing something that wasn't so concrete in the first place. Details are the fuel in the engine of your goals.

You have to provide specific data if you are going to achieve anything. The second step to configure S. T objectives is setting goals that are meaningful enough for you that you can go out and do whatever it takes to achieve them. This is the “why” in goal setting that I discussed in a previous post. When your goals have deep enough meaning for you, you'll do whatever it takes to achieve them. This doesn't have to do with vanity or superficial reasons, but rather with deeper, life-changing reasons why you want to achieve something. The third step to configure S.

T objectives is setting goals that are achievable. Now, there is certainly a school of thought that says you can achieve what you want, when you want. However, when goals are set, especially when it comes to short - term goals (ie,. Within 1 year), make sure they are attainable. This doesn't mean you can't aspire to the stars in your long-term plans, such as 5 years in the future or even 10 years in the future. It simply means that you have to choose goals that you can achieve in the short term. The fourth step is setting goals that are relevant.

When you set goals that are relevant, you have to go deep inside and really understand what you want out of life. If one of your core values is freedom, then setting goals that have you tied to a desk most of the year won't help you live a full life. Remember, your goals should not be designed with the intention of pleasing others or making them happy; they should be designed with your own personal values and desires in mind. The fifth step is setting goals that are time-bound. You need deadlines for your goals; otherwise they will never get done! When setting deadlines for yourself make sure they are realistic and achievable. The sixth step is creating an action plan for achieving your goal; this should include all of the steps necessary for achieving your goal as well as any resources needed along the way. The seventh step is taking action! Now that you've planned everything out it's time for action! You didn't do all of this work just so forget about your goal; every step must lead towards another until completion!These seven steps will help ensure that your goal setting process is successful and effective! By following these steps and taking action on them regularly, you will be able to reach any goal that you set for yourself!.

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